提案方需有 LikeCoin 錢包及 Matters 帳號。
All applicants are required to have a LikeCoin Wallet and a Matters user account.
All projects are strongly preferred to be open-sourced by default; if not, the reasons must be clearly specified in the proposal.
提案方(無論為個人或團隊)需具備自我管理之能力。本計畫僅提供 LikeCoin 資助金及計畫執行/開發之相關諮詢。
All applicants (either a person or a team) must be self-managed. The program offers only the grant and necessary consultations.
本計畫自 2021 年 5 月起正式啟動,將於接下來 12 個月內(或種子資金全部使用完畢之前)持續開放提案申請,以每 2 個月為一輪。
The program is open for application continuously for 12 months starting from May, 2021, or until the fund is used up. Applications will be grouped in the same round every two months.
An application is only valid after each step of the proposal submission (see below) is fully completed.
Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Which is to say: You are free to submit a proposal anytime you feel like to. And the committee may decide to accept or reject your application as well as suggest a proposal revision before each round ends.
在同一輪內,每一件提案書(包括其修訂版本)至多可被審查 2 次。如 2 次審查後申請尚未被拒絕,而提案書續有改動修訂並再次提交,則審查將遞延至下一輪次進行。執行委員會另有決議者,不在此限。
At the same round, a proposal (including a revised version) will be qualified to be reviewed 2 times at most. The review for further revision will be held off until the next round. The review committee will have the discretion to relax this requirement.
一般情況下,申請方至遲將於該輪終止後 10 日內收到來自本計畫的申請結果或提案狀態通知。
Under normal circumstances, the applicants will recieve a final decision or a status notification no later than 10 days after the closing date of each round.