<aside> ⬆️ 請將上列標題以您要申請的「專案名稱」取代,然後移除這個提示區塊。 Please replace the title above with the full name of your project, then remove/delete this hint.
<aside> 💡 請填入「應用類」、「基建類」或「推廣類」,然後移除這個提示區塊。 What category is your project? Please fill in "Application", "Infrastructure" or "Promtion", then remove/delete this hint.
聯繫方式|Contact Info
相關經驗|Relevant Experience
<aside> 💡 簡明描述個人(或團隊)與計畫相關之經歷,以及為何個人(或團隊)為執行此一計畫(打造此一產品)之理想人選。建議清楚列示個人(或團隊)在類似主題/領域內之相關經驗,特別是軟體開發方面;亦可扼要介紹個人(或團隊成員)背景。 Briefly describe your (team's) relevant experience, and why you think you are the right person or team to build this project. You can cite your (team's) prior experience in similar domains, doing similar dev work, individual (team) members' backgrounds, etc.
其他資訊|Additional Information
<aside> 💡 如有需要,請在此請填入任何你認為有助於本計畫評估你的提案的相關資訊。 If needed, include any additional information that you think would be useful in helping us to evaluate your proposal.
概念和價值闡述|Concept & Rationale
<aside> 💡 請介紹你打算做什麼?舉例來說:這項計畫之所以值得做的需求或問題?為何這項計畫可以有效滿足這些需求或解決這些問題?這項計畫對 LikeCoin 社群能產生什麼樣的價值? Please describe exactly what you are planning to build. Start with the need or problem you are trying to solve with this project. Describe why your solution is going to adequately solve this problem. And at last explain why this project is valuable for the LikeCoin community.
預計成果|Expected Outcome
<aside> 💡 請詳細描述這個計畫最後產出(建議拆分出具體的可交付成果)為何? Please describe in details what your final outcome (do break it down into specific deliverables) will be.